Thursday, August 6, 2009

Day 175 - Leg song Thursday

I've been delinquent in posting lately, mainly because I haven't had much new happening with the knee to post about and I've been on vacation. Tuesday, I started doing some pivot turns on the knee while running. That felt fine, both during and after. I've also continued running, which hasn't been a problem. I went cycling today. That's the first I've done that in about 10 days or so. It feels pretty good right now. The one thing that continues to be a problem is the knee cap still sort of catches sometimes when I move from a straight leg position to a bending position. I've continued trying to strengthen the VMO, which is kind of helping, it seems, but only time will tell if that continues to improve.

So this song seems appropriate for this week, Aerosmith's deep track Lord of the Thighs. No comment on what this song might be about.

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