Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Day 19 - Stripping

I removed the steri-strips today. The scars from the surgical incisions don't look as bad as I thought they would. I haven't yet washed my leg since removing the strips so you can see the outline of where they once were. Here's one side of my knee:

And the other:

They're still kind of itchy and sore and there's a lump of scar tissue under a couple of them. But overall, not all that noticeable. The one incision that I feared was going to be really gnarly was the "zone of ouch" culprit below my knee just because when the sutures were still in, it looked like they had pinched up a lot of skin and done kind of a rough job on it. But I guess they knew what they were doing, because it's turned out pretty good. Here's a close-up:

Not sure you can tell from that photo just where the incision was, but that's exactly the point.

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