I'm back in NYC for the first time since the surgery. Despite the scars on my knee, apparently it is not as unsightly as those of Posh (Victoria Beckham), who apparently has knees so hideously knobby that they actually shut down the city last year.
Nobody commented on my knee and from what I can tell the city carried on as if nothing was amiss. I don't know whether I should take that as a compliment or a diss. Has my rehab work sculpted my knee into such a beautiful specimen that people were actually admiring it as I walked by and the city was able to carry on functioning? Or do people just not really notice knees if they're not attached to someone of Posh's eminent status?
At any rate, I walked about the city and my knee felt pretty good, much better than the last time I was here when I still had torn cartilage and a ruptured ACL. I also survived a trip to Queens and eating strange Thai desserts I could not identify. I wondered if any were made from brain or other undesirable body parts. I consoled myself by hoping that they contained nutrients that would help heal my knee. Here's what some of the desserts looked like:

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