My daily regimen takes me about 45 minutes to an hour to complete. Here it is:
15 minutes on the elliptical trainer
Leg press, one-legged - 40 times with 125 lbs
Lunges - 35
Stepping down and then back up a step, just on my left leg - at least 20 in the gym, but sometimes 4 times that just from going up and down Metro escalators
Flutters (to strengthen VMO muscle) - 20
Wall slide - 3 times, hold for 20 seconds each
Rose-walls, exercise to strengthen gluteus medius muscle - 60 (this one is tough)
Leg lifts with weight, 3 different directions, front, side and backwards - 20 each direction with about 12 lbs
Standing on one leg on foam - 20 times throwing and catching medicine ball (this forces the muscles in the leg to make tiny little adjustments to keep me stable)
Adductor squeeze - 25 with 70 lbs
After all that, I generally do some stretches to loosen up the quad tendon. Then I'll spend about 5 minutes trying to roll out any knots and tightness using the foam roller.
All this just to strengthen one part of my body: my left thigh. It's hard to believe it takes this kind of regimen to get things back to normal, but if a one-legged man ever challenges me to an ass-kicking contest, I think I just might be able to take him.
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