Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Day 126 - Pavement strikes back

I ran on the pavement today for 20 minutes. That's a whole lot different than running on the treadmill. There's obviously no give to the pavement, so all the shock-absorbing has to come from my shoes, cartilage and muscles. It felt a little rough at first, but as I got warmed up, it started to feel OK.

But later, the knee was feeling a little tweaky in certain parts. I'm not sure if the pavement was a good idea, but my physical therapist said I was ready for it. I guess I'll just have to wait and see how it's feeling tomorrow.

One thing about running is that it is so much slower than cycling. Once you get used to cycling, going back to running seems like you're not moving at all. But due to my cycling habits, I was running 4 or 5 feet away from the parked cars, so I was kind of in the middle of the right lane. That tends to be OK when cycling, but if you're running down the middle of the street, drivers just think you're an escaped mental patient because they gave me a wide berth and didn't honk or say anything. Sometimes, it pays to be crazy.

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