Friday, June 26, 2009

Day 135 - Riding

Today, I went for what I planned to be an easy bike ride. But my knee felt pretty good, so I hammered a bit harder. I was actually able to get out of the saddle and pedal, something I haven't been able to do until now. I did about 32 minutes and the knee felt awesome, probably the best it's felt since the surgery.

Until I got off. Argh. It felt a bit stiff. But after a while, it went back to feeling pretty good. Later it felt kind of horrible. Stiff, kind of popping and clicking. I think it'll be OK in the morning, but it's weird how the status of my knee can swing from one extreme to the other.

Later, I was walking around with a friend in DC and stumbled upon the sad sight in the photo. Oh, the humanity!

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