Monday, June 29, 2009

Day 138 - Up, down and sideways

I ran on Friday. The knee felt pretty good. I also practiced jumping on one leg. I've got the test coming up on Thursday for the one-legged hop and if I pass that, I'll be cleared to move on to the next level, which I believe involves destroying the Death Star to save humanity (a little Star Wars humor for the geeks in the audience).

The knee felt pretty good on Sunday, so I went for a bike ride. I only did about 36 minutes, but this was a breakthrough because I rode pretty hard and also returned for the first time to one of my usual routes, which involves a lot of hillwork, which has been tough on the knee up until now. My knee felt fairly good the rest of the day.

But today, it felt a bit stiff and kind of sore in the back. So I decided to rest it and see how it's feeling tomorrow.

All in all, this is a weird injury to recover from. With all my previous injuries, it's mainly been a fairly steady projectory of gradually getting better until full recovery. But recovering from this surgery has been anything but steady and progressive. It's always two steps forward, 1.5 steps back, 9 steps to the side and just keep on riding this wave no matter how gnarly it gets, hoping things will somehow all work out for the better eventually because, really, what other alternative is there? Miles in Sideways showed that giving up and drinking the spit bucket doesn't really solve anything.

Catch ya on the flip side.

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