Friday, June 19, 2009

Day 128 - 25 minutes of sheer terror

I kid, I kid. There was no terror. I was a little apprehensive because I couldn't see, but I pounded out 25 blind minutes on the pavement anyway. More or less.

I went to the eye doc today and, of course, eye docs are never happy unless they can induce blindness in you somehow. I suppose that's good for business. He gave me some sort of dilating eye drops that he said was essential to accurately assessing my eyesight. But his office was littered with advertisements for bizarre cosmetic bullshit, such as Botox for people who are so superficial they're willing to risk death and being maimed for good looks, and Latisse, which is supposed to lengthen your eyelashes. So this guy is about as credible as a politician.

But an hour later, I walk out of his office, cleared with eyesight that is above average for seeing things close-up. Yes, he actually told me this. But I'm now blind to things near, far, and everywhere in between, thanks to his beloved dilating eyedrops.

I can't work, since most of my work involves being able to see. So I decide to put on some shades and go for a run. The run starts out feeling kind of tweaky on my knee, but as I get warmed up, it begins to feel OK. I run the route I ran the other day, but when I'm at the point when I should be around 17 minutes, I look down at my watch and see that I've only gone 4 minutes. Huh? I'm not sure what happened, but somehow my trusty watch kept switching to lap times, so I have no idea how long I've been running. But I'm also partially blind, so who knows. I could've run to the moon and back for all I know.

I do a little more running and add in some extra routes, just to make sure I've gone more than 20 minutes. I get back home and judging from the approximate time I left the house, I've done about 30 minutes. That doesn't seem possible, so I'll just call it an even 25.

I thought my knee would feel like hell, but surprisingly, it felt great later on. It actually felt the best it has felt since the surgery. It's kind of weird. It's like the more I use it like it's normal, the better it does.

Right now though, at 1:29 am, it feels a little stiff and weird. But that's after walking a few miles through the city, from one happy hour to the other. In bad shoes. With only one eye completely functional. Just kidding. I couldn't see out of either eye.

Anyway, I'm off to physical therapy tomorrow. So maybe I'll have better news after that.

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